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We are aware this is an extremely challenging time for many, including those with businesses in the New Zealand exercise community, so most importantly – we are here to support you, this is why we exist.

We are in direct dialogue with multiple government agencies and departments including the Ministry of Health, and Sport New Zealand, exploring ways to support those providing exercise to the public.  We will also update this page with any updates on regulations, rules or support packages from the Government as it related to the exercise industry.

Our priority is working with those that are members of ExerciseNZ and/or registered with the New Zealand Register of Exercise Professionals (REPs), including those who are registered via Yoga New Zealand. We will also be keeping this page up to date, and free for all, as well as providing messages to the public that are shareable on our FaceBook page.  

Members of ExerciseNZ and exercise professionals registered with REPs will continue to receive updates and resources from us directly.

If you are not a member and would like to know more, you can join us now.